IBM System Storage™ DS Storage Manager Installer package version 10.77.A5.16 for the 32-bit (IA32/X86), 64-bit x86_64 or X64 (AMD64 or EM64T), 64-bit Itanium 64 (IA64 ) and 64-bit Linux on Power (LoP) versions of Linux operating systems. Important: 1. A problem causing recursive reboots exists while using 7.36.08 and 7.36.12 firmware on IBM System Storage DS4000 or DS5000 systems. This problem is fixed in 7.36.14.xx and above firmware. All subsystems currently using 7.36.08 and 7.36.12 firmware MUST run a file system check tool (DbFix) before and after the firmware upgrade to 7.36.14.xx or higher. Instructions for obtaining and using DbFix are contained in the 7.36.14.xx or higher firmware package. Carefully read the firmware readme and the DbFix instructions before upgrading to firmware 7.36.14.xx or higher. For subsystems with firmware level 7.36.08 or 7.36.12, configuration changes should be avoided until a firmware upgrade to 7.36.14.xx or higher has been completed successfully. Subsystems not currently using 7.36.08 or 7.36.12 do not need to run DbFix prior to upgrading to 7.36.14.xx or higher. DbFix may be run after upgrading to 7.36.14.xx or higher, but it is not required. DbFix is only applicable to subsystems using 7.36.xx.xx or greater firmware. If problems are experienced using DbFix or the resulting message received is “Check Failed…”, DO NOT upgrade your firmware and contact IBM support before taking any further actions. 2. Starting with the IBM DS Storage Manager host software version 10.77, there are four separate Storage Manager host software installer packages for various CPU-platform versions of the Linux operating system. The four supported CPU-platforms are as followed: 1. 32-bit IA32 or x86 2. 64-bit (EMT64 or AMD64) x86_64 3. 64-bit Itanium IA64 4. 64-bit Linux on Power (LoP) Please select the correct Storage Manager host software installer package for the CPU-platform of your Linux operating system (OS). Note: The 32-bit x86 and 64-bit x86_64 CPU-platform Linux operating systems share the same Storage Manager host software installer package in IBM DS Storage Manager version 10.70 and earlier. Last Update: 05/06/2011 April 29, 2011 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.77.A5.16 - Change: When opening the Subsystem Management Window user is asked if to set a password. User can select No. If user selects yes, the password can be weak or strong. If no password is set, or a weak password is set, then a message appears recommending a strong password each time the Subsystem Management Window is opened. - Change: Windows MPIO/DSM is now packaged separately. - Fix 135065 (CL LSIP200135059) PRLSIP200076930 : Consistency Group and write-order consistency support for "synchronous" mirroring. - Fix 143785 Script editor set alltrays alarm... task fails to complete. - Fix 144603 Recovery guru displays reconstructed optimal volumes as degraded volumes even after recheck. - Fix 146317 Updating VariationStrings to get back the changes done in LSIP200125405, to have the weak password behaviour. - Fix 145955 (XB053180) DS5020 unable to update CFW to RC_07770500_e10_49xx.dlp. - Fix 135022 Upgrade CFW Window from EMW does not close the password dialog boxes even after Upgrade CFW Win is closed. - Fix 125118 Timestamp within "SDK Translated" support bundle logs (readLinkStatus, socStats, etc) is incorrect. - Fix 136967 SM & XBB2 GURU report "Unknown" for "Component requiring service" after pulling power cable from Drive Tray. - Fix 136996 DFW download window displays optimal for Impending drive Fail. - Fix 137853 SMmonitor does not save ctrl support bundle on critical MEL, but does save ESM state capture. - Fix 139362 save storageArray SASPHYCounts always returns 0 errors for every PHY. - Fix 140818 (LSIP200125405) Revert to original password behavior. - Fix 139616 Entire free capacity of volume group is used when creating 1 TB volume. - Fix 140528 array w/5.42 cfw unable able to upgrade to 6.1x cfw. - Fix 142673 HSW 10.77: Linux SDK - demo_cpp/DQTraceRetrieval program segmentation fault. - Fix 154073 Chessie2 HSW does not display translated RG procedures when CFW is 10T1. - Fix 154228 createRemoteMirror CLI command create synchronous mirror even though writeMode is set to "asynchronous". - Fix 159476 (default host type reset to index 0 after changing learn cycle) (GUI Changes). - Fix 163919 HSW: 10.77.x0.13 Unable to schedule a snapshot recreate with (US & Canada) time zones and other ones as well. - Fix 143181 Online help for reset storageArray SASPHYBaseline is for all devices, does not match CFW design SMclient. - Fix 143670 Selection for increase in volume size during DVE does not correctly respond to the inputs selected by user. - Fix 144478 Start Controller Trace content missing min. firmware level. - Fix 144484 OLH enable sa remote status notification missing min cfw level SMclient. - Fix 135916 Volume Initialization Progress Bar widens and then slims repeatedly when Modification Priority is changed on XBB2. - Fix 140667 PB1-3 arrays w/cfw 6.7x ctrl clock sync dialog cropped. - Fix 141650 Extra Tab added to each "Drive Channel #" in the details section in the XBB2 & SM storage array profile. - Fix 138596 Word mismatch found on Agent description during HSW installation for rpm description. - Fix 145027 Drive Selection dialog is misleading, regarding operation duration. - Fix 145028 Duplicate message found in Confirm...Drive Selection dialogs. - Fix 145809 Graph number drop down menu incorrectly labeled after adding and removing defined graph. - Fix 143726 Column Formatting Under "Associated Volumes and Free Capacity" in Array Profile Not Properly Aligned. - Fix 143728 Column Formatting Under "Associated Drives" In Array Profile Not Properly Aligned. - Fix 143770 WSAS RBOD enclosures are not reported as Controller/Drive Expansion Enclosures in array profile. - Fix 155641 Minimum FW version showed incorrect value ( in FWupgrade window. February 22, 2011 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.75.A5.08 - Fix 187289 Incorrect recovery guru replacement for "Host Switch Card Problem". - Fix 187307 Unable to secure erase unassigned secure-enabled drive. - Fix 187701 Binary file does not report the correct message using SMcli after error injection. - Fix 186969 (ST1012090) HSW 10.75: CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS section -S des s. - Fix 187105 (201267) (CL #WIC~182282) 201267) Battery reporting End of life. - Fix 186463 HSW Recovery Guru Misreporting failed power supply location. - Fix 186808 (CL #WIC~186498) (CL #WIC~186058) (ST1011637) HSW 10.75: array w/5.42 cfw unable able to upgrade to 6.1x cfw. - Fix 186818 (CL #WIC~181558) (CLI manpage SYNOPSIS & CMD LINE PARM dsp "-r". - Fix 186821 (CL #WIC~182174) CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -I desc missing statement for -q parm. - Fix 186824 (CL #WIC~182171) CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS section -v desc missing newlines. - Fix 186825 (CL #WIC~182172) CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -w desc missing example cfg output. - Fix 186863 (HSW 10.75: AMW Configuration Database Diagnostic dialog isn't wide enough-Linux. - Fix 185807 AMW OLH files have been checked in. Pick them up. - Fix 184796 (CL #WIC~184785) Correct steps in the failedPowerSupply.html. - Fix 187289 (XB040741) Recovery guru fix to not identify the controller as the replacement Instead of HIC. November 19, 2010 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.70.A5.25 - Fix 173657 EMW reports array is optimal while AMW reports volumes not on preferred path. - Fix 180560 No Online help for Remote Status Notification. - Fix 181374 SMclient 10.70.G3.12 - network error when trying to add arrays. - Fix 181418 HSW 10.70: EMW OLH delete volume topic command syntax section is incorrect. - Fix 181440 HSW 10.70: EMW OLH Create RAID Volume (Free Ext..) topic dsp create hostPort Id. - Fix 181441 HSW 10.70: EMW OLH Set Enclosure SAA Indicator topic dsp incorrect SMcli usage. - Fix 181247 PR LSIP200076930 : Consistency Group and write-order consistency support for "synchronous" mirroring. - Fix 182486 (RP #WIC~181247) PR LSIP200076930 : Consistency Group and write-order consistency support for "synchronous" mirroring. - Fix 182871 (CL #WIC~182218) Disable check for "Weak password" (PR LSIP200011112) for DR builds. - Fix 181501 Start Cache Bkup Dev Diag topic diagnosticType desc extra sp. - Fix 181759 EMW OLH iSCSI Tgt Properties topic missing. - Fix 181558 CLI manpage SYNOPSIS & CMD LINE PARM dsp "-r". - Fix 181559 CLI manpage SYNOPSIS & CMD LINE PARM missing [-quick]. - Fix 182167 SMcli manpage CMD LINE PARAMS sec "DNS/Name " incomplete string. - Fix 182168 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS section -d desc missing newline. - Fix 182170 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS section -i desc missing newline. - Fix 182171 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS section -v desc missing newlines. - Fix 182172 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -w desc missing example cfg output. - Fix 182173 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -I desc missing multiple newlines. - Fix 182174 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -I desc missing statement for -q parm. - Fix 182175 CLI manpage CMD LINE PARMS sec -I desc missing info type descriptions. - Fix 182176 CLI manpg CMD LINE PARMS sec -S desc missing list of suppressed msgs. - Fix 182550 (CL #WIC~172368) Host properties has an unresolved asterisk. - Fix 183288 (CL #WIC~171194) Change Preferred Loop ID window does not display eight ports by default. - Fix 183908 Duplicate host port identifier dialog, in the second sentence "please" - 'p' is not Uppercase. - Fix 184033 (CL #WIC~182520) Symplicity 10.70.G3.12 Incorrectly Reports Disk Utilization for T-3 Array. - Fix 184243 (cXB042763) SMcli accepting weak password on first try but failing on subsequent attempts. - Fix 180671 HSW 10.70: CLI manpage output missing content for remoteStatusNotification. - Fix 169354 (cXB044330) - Port info missing in drive channel section - Fix 176937 (cXB029096) Discrepancy in online help performing DVE on Basic Windows Disks. - Fix 179887 (cXB038459) AIX HACMP process killed by SMagent startup process. - Fix 184250 (cXB042394) Online help incorrectly says cache is disabled during learn cycle. - Fix 184500 (cXB042375) Update online help to inform restriction using 2nd ethernet port. July 13, 2010 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.70.A5.10 - Fix 179231 CL #WIC~176729) New Drive Not Available from "Replace Drives" Screen. - Fix 179395 null pointer exception when closing AMW. - Fix 179620 (CL #WIC~176383) HSW 10.60: Linux GUI client background color render issues w/EMW and w/AMW. - Fix 178291 (CL #WIC~178115) (cXB033757) unable to activate Remote Logical Drive Mirroring. - Fix 178463 When using Recovery Tool scripts, EMW doesn't bring up password box and hangs script execution. - Fix 177943 (CXB033285) mismatch between online help and script editor. - Fix 176835 HSW 10.70: Custom build arrays w/cfw 6.17 non-embedded dialogs dsp LSI logo. - Fix 176997 Move Host Out of Host Group Option enabled when no Host Groups are defined. - Fix 177004 Checking translated Client Strings and RG pages. - Fix 176844 Unable to resize the Add Free Capacity pop up window enough to see the whole page. - Fix 175855 Does not support legacy Windows host types. - Fix 176133 If an exception is returned from CFW during Volume Group Import, it tries again when the window is closed. - Fix 176500 Drive status Icons are not correct in Properties window of Physical tab. - Fix 176544 EMRSRuntimeConfig.xml file is updated when cancel is clicked on RemoteStatusNotificationDialog. - Fix 173326 (CXB028620) initial AMW password screen has misleading entry. - Fix 176034 Two RG's exist for security key lock condition. - Fix 171809 Update affected RG procs for a corner case of component invalid for enclosure. - Fix 174107 (XB027592) SANtricity ES displayed instead of Storage Manager in the Host SW GUI. - Fix 171715 (cXB021495) Incorrect text when configuring array. - Fix 154327 (cXB008466) recover logicalDrive drives command does not allow the dssPreAllocate parameter. - Fix 167607 (cXB017778) German Language: IBM DS Storage Manager 10.60.x5.11 install failed. - Fix 169946 (cXB019574) Delay in SMdevices when USB floppy drive used with no disk. - Fix 167297 (cXB017585) CLI "Set Enclosure Service Action Allowed Indicator" fail by syntax error. - Fix 166235 (cXB029825) Duplicate alert mail received when one critical event occurred. - Fix 177027 (XB036727) .csv file not showing sfp statistics. - Fix 166578 (XB019139) Remote Login Settings can not be changed through the GUI. - Fix 172506 (cXB027167) "drives" improperly customized to "diskDrives". November 10, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.60.A5.17 - Fix 154664 cXB005198 Mismatch online actual functionalitySmart BBU learning cycle - Fix 161844 (cXB012998) Unable to collect all support data from client by only specifying a file name with no path. - Fix 159857 Dynamic Segment Size (DSS) PreAllocation Occurs for High Level Volumes - Fix 165521 (RW #164033) (CXB014946) Drive attach premium feature did not list the number of drives enable - Fix 165954 Save configuration does not generate valid code - Fix 163439 When changing host type, IBMi shows up in the list, but in the default mapping drop-down it doesn't - Fix 164033 (XB014946) Drive attach premium feature did not list the number of drives enable - Fix 163447 (XB014535) Incorrect syntax in SM to fail diskDrive - add Support for esm fw 9919 - Add support for the new DS3950 Storage Controller Subsystem model 1814-94H and 1814-98H, which supports the attachment of the new EXP395 Storage Expansion Enclosure Subsystem model 1814-92H. - Add support for 4 Gbps Fibre Channel 600 GB/15K DDM feature and the Encryptible 4 Gbps FC 600 GB/15K DDM feature. - Add support for DS5300/DS5100 attachment to the EXP5060 High Density SATA Drive Enclosure - Initial release of IBM DS Storage Manager Profiler for automatically collecting/managing the Storage Subsystem support data (CASD) at predefined (user changeable) schedules. September 14, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.60.A5.11 - Fix CR163901 (XB014846) DS Mgr locked up when setting IP addresses for the iSCSI host ports. - Fix CR164182 (XB014594) Missing subsystem name when asking for password in EMW firmware upgrade. - Fix CR164003 (XB014895) iSCSI - ERROR 2 message did not state DHCP server or network is the cause of problem. - Fix CR163243 (XB014345 ) Unable to open iSCSI host port configuration window in Storage Manager. - Fix CR163465 (XB014295) Cannot configure iSCSI through GUI due to Error 3 - The operation cannot complete. - Fix CR163388 Need Exmoor level ESM code added to Allegheny HSW SAN ES. - Fix CR164405 HTML tags are left in the "Enter Password" dialog when opening the AMW with a password set. July 27, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.60.A5.05 - Fix 154664 (XB005198) Mismatch online help for Smart BBU learning cycle. - Fix 159857 (XB010373) Dynamic Segment Size (DSS) PreAllocation Occurs for High Level Volumes. - Fix 152581 (XB003579) New MEL Events 5801 and 5802. - Fix 161510 EMW shows array unresponsive while AMW responds, when SMagent killed for in-band and out-of-band connection - Fix 161754 About dialogs for AMW and EMW (Allegheny build) showing incorrect date. - Fix 161489 FAQ links missing from Create a Snapshot Volume Wizard - Create Volume. - Fix 161578 (XB013009 ) SAA and fault LED were not lit when BBU in Battery Replacement. - Fix 160978 CLI Command "set tray alarm" never completes. - Fix 160929 Drawer # not displayed for empty slot in AMW Physical Tab. - Fix 145989 (c436574) Java CoreDump on QS22 blades. July 01, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.50.A5.23 - Fix 157229 (TD_PT36275) Able to change array lock key during drive reconstruction on DS5000. - Fix 157411 (TD_PT36343) the dialog to add/change the Array PW before unlocking FDE Drives is not generated from "drive". - Fix 157420 (TD_PT36350) FDE Security key overwritten during key change operation. - Fix 157424 (TD_PT36354) there is no table showing the locations of drives upon completion of an export VG operation. - Fix 152367 SRA testFailover/failover fails when password is set on array. - Fix 157915 Unable to remove Unidentified Storage Array from EMW. - Fix 158505 (CL #WIC~157552) During MPP install on SLES 11, script SMmonitor is broken. - Fix 158177 No event action occurs after selecting optimal array status link. April 22, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.50.A5.19 - Fix 143520 (420734f_1) CASD svlShow command usage incorrect. - Fix 150646 (XB004966) SOC data not in Collect All Support Data. - Fix 155784 (CL #WIC~150646) (cXB004966) socStatistics.csv file not collected in Emerald CASD. - Fix 155343 (CXB009469) "Working" does not stop in SMIA - Fix 155009 HSW 10.50: CLI client output displays two entries per discovered array. - Fix 154652 (CL #WIC~154005) (XB007458) SMCli fails to create Host and Host Ports. - Fix 154179 (RW #152324) Upgrade Checks fail to perform if non-responsive system is in device view. - Fix 154168 (C463376) DTL-Ghost LUNs and hot-spares after head-swap migration. - Fix 153860 (RW #153004) (C460344) DTL-incorrectly IBMized SMCli VolumeCopy cmds. - Fix 153462 (CXB007378) Unstable SM 10.50.G5.05 - won't manage back past 5.40. - Fix 153174 (CL #WIC~152494) SMclient AMW doesn't reflect changes of the storage array during IO. - Fix 152540 (CL #WIC~150215) Create IB or FC host port through script engine never succeeds. - Fix 152384 (C459598) Aurora FW Upgrade Utility DDE errors after upgrade. - Fix 152324 Upgrade Checks fail to perform if non-responsive system is in device vi - Fix 151413 (CL #WIC~147254) (CR6726565_0 ) GUI should not display mulitple Ethernet speed options. - Fix 151406 (CL #WIC~150491) HSW Trace Facility Does Not Work From AMW With older Releases. - Fix 151271 EMW windows disappears when the Manage array link under the setup tab is clicked. - Fix 150878 Jar Not Displaying Correctly - No Link for Initial Setup Tasks. - Fix 150549 unable to click on any buttons or close the "Storage Subsystem Added" prompt - Fix 150047 Resume RVM synchronization is working immediately and failing to update RemoteMirrorStatus. - Fix 149869 (CL #WIC~149086) (c446470) Wrong OID being sent in SM snmp traps. - Fix 149797 (c448779) (CL #WIC~147071) Linux with Japanese language sends garbled characters in email alerts with default. - Fix 150096 (c435908) MEL logs controller cache not enabled or internally disabled. - Fix 148222 (c416955) Driveside number of controller B wrong in profile. - Fix 148002 Menu Bars not behaving properly on SAN ES AMW. - Fix 147178 (c445211) Power Supply reported as missing/removed in GURU. March 18, 2009 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.36.A5.13 - Updated jar files 6.60.22.xx support. -Fix 152541 (CL #WIC~150215) Create IB or FC host port through script engine never succeeds. -Fix 154005 (XB007458) SMCli fails to create Host and Host Ports. Upgrade Utility - version 10.36.x5.10 - Removed all firmware files. Users can download the latest firmware levels at: December 20, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.36.A5.07 - IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Controller Firmware Upgrade Tool has been updated to v10.36.x5.08. Includes Controller Firmware v07.36.12.00 with the following fixes. - Fix CR146467/CR144696 PANIC: DBM block set mismatch while rebooting the controllers. Causing the controllers to go into a continuous reboot cycle. - Fix CR151507/CR150024 Create new shell command to set the WWN on a volume. - Fix CR149810/CR148444 IO error: (** Bad address **, Cannot close target) on Solaris host during concurrent code down load. - Fix CR149787/CR149467 Ancient IO during concurrent code down load. - Fix CR149565/CR149299 PANIC: Invalid memory block at 0x58d2628 while collecting Support Data. - Fix CR149470 Ancient IO scsiCmd 55. - Fix CR149441/CR149290/CR140998/c421316 Panic/Reboot loops with very large RAID-1 at vdmRAIDImplExcl. - Fix CR149335 DS4800 controller hit panic while sysReboot stress is running and drives are reconstructing. - Fix CR149319/CR149006/c423053 Critical event type 281B & #147;Nominal temperature exceeded”. - Fix CR149247 Unexpected Failed Power Supply Canister. - Fix CR149137/CR148640/cXB003540 RVM deletion operation staying queued and causing loss-of management. - Fix CR148775/CR147868/c443192 Old host information not cleaned up when PLOGI processed. - Fix CR148785/CR148480 Foreign unassigned Rev 4 DACStore remapped but not peered. - Fix CR148698/CR148686 Scan volume with repair on degraded RAID6 volume hangs. - Fix CR148637/CR147116 Watchdog TO while running power cycle test. - Fix CR148472 Inserting up-rev foreign controller causes DacStore layout to change. - Fix CR148281/CR141712 NS7 does not negotiation host link speed correctly. - Fix CR148768/CR148697 Assertion failed: ssid ; INVALID_LUN, file eelHost.h, line 406 during VG defrag and STIO November 19, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.36.A5.07 - Added support for DS3000 controller firmware release (Exmoor) - Fix XB004177 - CR149660 (CL #WIC~149623)9663 ESM firmware file does not exist in the Storage Manager ESM directory October 20, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.36.A5.05 - Fix 435051 - CR144592 Failed drive posts in MEL as info only. - Fix 432205 - CR144161 When performing increase capacity, Total Array size is reduced. - Fix 419888 - CR142226 Replacing a failed hotspare is not clearing up the HS list. - Fix 409823 - CR140159 IBM prod name became engenio's name using 6.10.06.xx firmware. - Fix 148110 SM profile view (controller tab) has no deliniation between cache backup devices. - Fix 148183(TD_PT32264) GURU displays Unknown Failure Type after replacing failed drive with foreign drive of smaller size. - Fix 148441 (CL #WIC~144294) Duplicate Mnemonic on the Hot Spare Drive Options dialog. - Fix 148462 Need to include the latest versions of sam960.jar and sam960.files.jar . - Fix 148497 Need to include the latest versions of sam960.jar and sam960.files.jar. - Fix 144863 (CL #WIC~144650) The icon in the recovery guru summary panel is missing for Missing Hot Spare Drive. - Fix 143535 Recovery Guru does not give instruction about the Replace Drive Feature for a failed drive. - Fix 145467 Select Storage Array (Create Remote Volume Mirror)dialog is missing a text label. - Fix 146154 (TD_PT31390) Customer support bundle feature file not saved in the specified location. - Fix 146168 (CL #WIC~146146) Remove the limit of 10MB Volume size from HSW. - Fix 146574 (CL #WIC~145779) (TD_PT31262) drive channel diagnostics do not complete. - Fix 147955 (CL #WIC~141582) (RW #120306) (CL #WIC~112864) Usability Issue with Misleading RVM Status Message. - Fix 144114 (RP #WIC~143742) (c419888) Unable to de-assign a missing Hot Spare drive. - Fix 147608 (RP #WIC~147321) (TD_PT31837) SMinstaller installs with errors because of missing dependencies and results in an incomplete installation. - Fix 145912 (ST985665) The host-agent service process aborted due to an unexpected error event. August 09, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.30.A5.09 - Support for the new DS5300 Storage Controller Subsystem model 1818-53A, which supports the attachment of the new EXP5000 Storage Expansion Enclosure Subsystem model 1818-D1A. - Support for the new DS5100 Storage Controller Subsystem model 1818-51A, which supports the attachment of the new EXP5000 Storage Expansion Enclosure Subsystem model 1818-D1A. - IBM DS4000 Controller Firmware Upgrade Tool updated to v10.15.x5.02. Includes Controller Firmware v07.15.07.00 with new MEL Health Checks for the Upgrade Utility. - Incorporate the following field defect fixes - Fix 429329 - CR 144275 Can't parse show LogicalDrives in SM CLI. Changes output label "Logical Drive world-wide identifier" back to "Logical Drive ID" as displayed in previous versions of Storage Manager. - Fix 419888 - CR143742 Replacing a failed hotspare is not clearing up the HS list - Fix 409450 - CR141127 Error installing RDAC-MPIO - storport.sys is not valid - Fix 394788 - CR 136551– Battery reported as failed but PSU is the problem. - Fix 411250 - CR 132888 Arrays Not in Profile When Bypassed Drive in System May 13, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version - Support IPv6 on the Ethernet management ports for DS4800, DS4700, and DS4200. - Increase the number of supported host logins on the DS4700 and DS4200 controller to 640 from 512. - Update SMI-S provider. - Linux RedHat v4.6 support. - Linux RedHat v5.1 support - SLES 9 SP4 support. - Incorporate the following field defect fixes - Fix 414217,CR 137913; Maxtor Drive Can Not Be Replaced By Seagate Drive. FIX 409625 Replace Drive Doesn't Allow Choosing 10033RPM HDD for 10000RPM HDD. Description: Only drives of the same spindle speed are allowed to become candidates in the drive integration window to replace a failed drive. One of the drive vendors reports their drive as 10033 (Seagate) vs. 10000 (Hitachi and others). The Host Software will not display the Seagate drive as being a drive replacement candidate. - Fix 408964, CR 136346; SAN Boot Failover Failure with 4 FC PATHs with MPIO. Description: SAN Boot configuration with four I/O paths from Host to DS4800. Host Software SM9.60.xx.03 with MPIO failover. Failover test resulted in MPIO and DS warnings/errors in the Windows event logs, servers unresponsive, blue screens etc. - Fix 394788, CR 136551; Battery reported as failed but Power Supply Unit is the problem Description: Recovery Guru procedure is incorrect. Recovery Guru points to the wrong online recovery instructions for the problem. Feb 26, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.10.A5.06 - IBM DS4000 Controller Firmware Upgrade Tool updated to v10.10.x5.09. Includes Controller Firmware v07.10.23.00 with the following fix. - Fix 137352; DS4000 Storage Controllers upgraded to firmware v07.10.22.00 incorrectly calculates the free capacity of arrays. Array configuration activities (e.g. LUN expansion, create new LUNs, etc...) may lose access to the storage logical configuration. - IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Client updated to v10.10.xx.06. - Added Storage Manager Client support for DS4000 Controller Firmware v6.15.xx.xx. - Storage Manager Client GUI fixes for DS3000 Storage Subsystems Management. - Incorporate the following Storage Manager Client fixes to support DS4000 Controller firmware v6.60.xx.xx. - Fix 132438 Getting caught in loop when trying to create hot spare. Description:: IBM DS4000 Storage Manager Client getting into an infinite loop of window closing events when creating a hot spare. - Fix 125160 (PMR35194,015,866) Unable to received email alerts. Description: IBM DS4000 Storage Manager is not compliant with RFC 821 or 2821 because the QUIT command was sent without waiting for response after "end of data". - Fix 131823 Help search for keyword "Risk of Application Errors" has an Invalid character. Description: Opened help and searched for Keyword " Risk of Application Errors". Most of the pages which have Risk of Application Errors as keyword have an invalid character next to it. - Fix 133323 (c388614) RVM re-activation fails if full capacity is used. Description: Storage Manager needs to compare the raw capacity rather than the usable capacity when creating regular volumes. - Fix 131348 ReRead during Verify of media scan. Description: The following fix is required to support the ReRead operation during the verify of a media scan. - Fix 136131 Need to add ESM Firmware v9673 and v98B3 to Storage Manager SMclient. Description: Include new versions of ESM firmware files in appropriate Host Software directories to support ESM Firmware auto-code sync. Jan 23, 2008 - Storage Manager Installer package version 10.10.A5.04 - Support for DS4000 Controller firmware 7.10.xx.xx. - RAID 6 is available on DS4200 and DS4700 Storage Subsystems. RAID 6 is not supported on DS4800. - Support for greater than 2TB Logical Drive. - Support for RAID 0 and 1 arrays with more than 30 drives. - Increase maximum number of partitions. DS4200 and DS4700 will support 512 and DS4800 will support 2048. - Enhanced Cache support. - HP-UX v11.23 IA64 full solution. Provide a full solution (all client software) for 64-bit HP-UX v11.23 (Itanium2 processor). Previous support is I/O attach only and requires a separate management station running a client supported operating system. - Increased Queue depth. Increase the DS4800 controller queue depth to 4096 and for the DS4200 and DS4700 to 2048. - Support Bundle Collected on Critical Events. Upon occurrence of a critical event, the monitor will save the support bundle to the local hard drive of the client system in the same area as used for other recovery information. This information will not be overwritten for at least 72 hours. - Solaris 10 x86 support. Solaris 10 x86 has been supported in a previous release as an I/O attach only solution. This will add GUI (Client, agent, utils) support to the solution. There is no RDAC support. The failover mechanism will be MPXIO (native to the OS) or DMP where supported by Symantec. - Enhanced Diagnostic Data Capture for additional failure events. - Increase number of Global Hot Spares(GHS). Lifts any previous limits on the number of GHS allowed per array - Drive Migration Warning. When migrating configured arrays to an existing Storage Subsystem there will be a warning given if the number of Logical Drives being added will overrun the maximum number of logical drives allowed on this particular Subsystem. This will allow to user to manually intervene and aid in safer migration scenarios. This will prevent the user from being allowed to import more logical drives volumes than a particular controller is supposed to support. - Eliminate import of SAFE keys from foreign drives. Eliminate the import of premium feature keys when merging a foreign database to eliminate the unnecessary marking of premium features as “enabled-unauthorized” - Uniform noncompliance/not-within-limits behavior. Create uniform behavior for situations in which a premium feature has a non-compliant/not-within-limits condition, regardless of which feature it is and how it was enabled (SAFE key or feature pack). - Configurable failed drive replacement. The user will be allowed to specify that a hot spare be a permanent member of an array, thus eliminating the copyback portion once the failed drive has been replaced. The replacement drive in that case will be in an unassigned state. - Controller Response Time Performance Statistics. Controller response time and Drive I/O statistics will be available SYMbol i/f. This is needed by Storage Performance Analyzer and in support of SMI-S 1.1. These statistics will not be used by the SANtricity GUI at this time. - Support drive statistics collection through SYMbol interface. Log Sense commands are currently being used to collect the drive stats because they are not available through SYMbol. These should be added to SYMbol. This will also support SMI-S 1.1. These statistics will not be used by the Storage Manager GUI at this time. - Performance Statistics – Processor Utilization. Needed by third party performance tools and will be needed by the new SMI provider in the near future. - Move to Java 1.4.2 compiler. - Update SMI-S provider. A provider (or providers) that support SMI specification versions 1.0.2 and 1.1. - Improve “Degraded” drive-side channel state detection - Support Telnet protocol on controller Ethernet ports. Support the telnet protocol on the controller Ethernet ports. - Support MS Vista Client. Provide client-only support for the new Microsoft client release, Vista. This is for management only and is not supported as an I/O attach solution. - RAID redundant data verification prior to read. Enable verification of redundant RAID data consistency before returning the requested read data back to the host. This feature should be enabled on a logical drive basis. It will automatically be disabled when a logical drive is degraded. If a mismatch is detected, the controller will return a Media error – unrecoverable read error (03/11/00). The subsystem will not attempt to correct or recalculate parity automatically. This will support all raid levels. - 8K cache block size. - Increase to 16 snapshots per logical drive for DS4800. - Snapshot recreate process improvement. - Support RedHat v5.0 and SLES10 SP1. - Increase number of mirrors supported. Increase the number of mirrors supported on DS4800 from 64 to 128 and on DS4200/DS4700 from 32 to 64. - Increase # of Flashcopies on DS4200/DS4700/DS4800. Increase the number of Flashcopies per logical drive to 8 for DS4200/DS4700 and 16 for DS4800. - Increase # of Remote Volume Mirrors on DS4200/DS4700/DS4800. Increase the number of RVM mirrors allowed to 64 mirrors for the DS4200/DS4700 and 128 mirrors for the DS4800. - Create Unmanageable Icon. Create a new icon in the EMW to differentiate between “Unresponsive” and “Unmanageable”. The unmanageable would be any Controller Subsystem for which there isn’t the corresponding JAR file. - Incorporate the following field defect fixes: - Fix 345023 CR 111414 DS4800 XBB Does not Allow Different Gateway Addresses For Ethernet Ports Description: The function to assign each port on a controller different gateway IP addresses did not exist. Each controller was supported with the capability to have only one Gateway Where Seen: During the setting of gateway IPs for for different controller Ethernet ports to a different IP. Note: The DS4800 does not support the preceding exercise. IP address for both its ports. This was by design. Symptons: If user enters 2 different Gateway values for the ports on the same controller, the follow error message will be displayed: Title: Gateway Mismatch Icon: Red Error X icon Text: The Gateway must be the same for all ports on a controller. Resolution: Storage Manager has been recoded adding the ability to set controller Gateway IPs with different values on the DS4800. - Fix 356903, CR115802/CR114353 Alert Notification, Password Set Creates Empty StateCaptureData.dmp Description: Customer Windows language setting is set to Turkey. Pulling a Subsystem Profile file with this language setting will cause the string "LOGICAL DRIVE NAME:" to change "LOGÝCAL DRÝVE NAME:". This in return will have an impact on the Datacase Support tool which decodes the Storage Subsystem File. The Datacase tool will not be able to identify the string anymore which will cause an incorrect/missing decoding of the volume configuration of the Subsystem Where Seen: During OS language setting. Seen with Strorage Manager 0 9.19.G5.06. and Controller Firmware versions: 06.12.x, 06.16.x, and 06.19.x . Symptom: Invalid characters observed in profile LOGÝCAL DRÝVE NAME CAPACYTY - Fix 360139, CR117846 Wrong Host Port 2 Message When Activating RVM Should Be Port 4. Description: When an attempt to activate the Remote Mirroring Feature on DS4700-72A (4xHost Ports on each controller), message as follows are (may be) displayed: **”All Hosts Currently using Host Port 2 will be logged out" **Host Port 2 will be reserved for mirror data transmission. All host communication to the storage subsystem on host port 2 will be rejected as long as the feature is active" CFW is reporting a tray type of TRAY_TYPE_FC4600 which is correct, but the datum is not specific enough for host software to correctly determine the number of host ports in the controller. Where Seen: With HSW versions are 09.16.G5.62; 09.19.G5.06; and 09.19.G5.11 when an attempt to activate the Remote Mirroring Feature on a DS4700-72A (4xHost Ports on each controller) Symptom: May see the message: messages: “**All Hosts Currently using Host Port 2 will be logged out” "**Host Port 2 will be reserved for mirror data transmission. All host communication to the storage subsystem on host port 2 will be rejected as long as the feature is active" Oct 08, 2007 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.60.A5.03 - Recreate multiple snapshots. SYMbol addition of a re-create snapshot command that will accept a list of snapshots as input. This command will be used by VSS and SMI-S providers to reduce the time needed to re-create several snapshots at one time. - The management of the IBM System Storage DS3300 with controller firmware version 6.50.xx.xx installed. - Support for DS4000 Controller Firmware 6.60.xx.xx. May 10, 2007 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.23.A5.02 - Fix 370708. The IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9.23.G5.00, or installation package version 09.23.A5.01, was not compatible with Controller firmware Could not upgrade to maintenance firmware level using IBM's Storage Manager 9.23.G5.00. The Storage Manager version 9.23 error message indicated the Controller firmware was not a compatible file for downloading. March 30, 2007 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.23.A5.01 - New DS4000 System Storage 4Gbps/15Krpm 300GB Fiber Channel Enhanced-Disk Drive Module (E-DDM) option - New DS4000 System Storage 750GB Serial ATA E-DDM option - The intermixing of the Fibre Channel and SATA E-DDMs within the same DS4700 storage subsystem or EXP810 drive expansion enclosure. - The intermix of EXP810/EXP710 and EXP100 enclosures behind a DS4700 and DS4800 storage subsystem. - New "Enhanced Disk Drive Predictive Fault Analysis" diagnostic feature on the DS4300, DS4500, DS4700 and DS4800 storage subsystem. The DS4000 controller will monitor and flag any the Fibre Channel and SATA hard drives in the DS4000 storage subsystem configuration with PFA error when one of the following conditions occurs a. 500 recoverable errors within a 24 hours period for Fibre Channel drives b. 4 medium errors within within a 24 hours period for Fibre Channel drives c. 8 medium errors within within a 24 hours period for SATA drives - The management of the IBM System Storage DS3200 and DS3400 storage subsystems with controller firmware version 06.17.xx.xx installed. - Incorporate the following field defect fixes - 106861 Storage Manager v9.15/9.16 Client not email rfc 2821 compliant causing validation to hang and no email alert was sent. Fixed by changing the line ending in CRLF (C332970) - 116441 SMcli command save supportData fails error code 12. Added code to set the Java System Property java.awt.headless to true for SMcli startup in (C355295) - 111219 (111073) PANIC Assertion failed insertCount < mismatchCount causes Recovery Guru to hang and controller to reboot. Fixed by adding an assertion check. (C344787) - 110124 Event ID:0 Shows in MEL and GUI with Red X. Fixed by changing the severity level for ESM autoSyn enable/disable message to informational. (C343472) - 109408 Mappings: Logical drive capacity not sorted correctly. Fixed by sorting the column with a long integer value for the capacity rather than a string value. (C339565) - 113673 (Cal6154) Reword expiration date warning statement for cache battery backup CRU. (C353749) January 26, 2007 - Storage Manager Installer package version - Support for the new Daylight Saving Time (DST) as required by the enactment of the United States Energy Policy Act of 2005 for DS4000 subsystem users in countries that observe United States DST. The Daylight Saving Time will begin at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday in March and end at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of November instead of 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of April to 2 a.m. on the last Sunday of October. For year 2007, DST will start on March 11, 2007 and end on November 04, 2007. Please refer to section 1.3 Enhancements of the README file for more information on the new Daylight Savings Time support. - Fix 114687: The disable and recreate FlashCopy logical drives can take up to 59 seconds. Changed Storage Manager client function used to handle disableFlashcopy and recreateFlashcopy commands. This performance improvement will reduce the execution time delay to around 10 seconds (CMVC 354503). - Fix 114570: The Storage Manager SMmonitor service increments the number of Ethernet network handling threads for the DS4000 controller causing the maximum limit to be reached. The Ethernet network handling threads were not released by SMmonitor. The result is loss of SMagent connectivity to the DS4000 storage subsystem causing the storage subsystem to report "Not Responsive" error in the DS4000 Storage Manager Enterprise Management window. When the SMmonitor service is killed or the DS4000 controllers are rebooted, the number of available Ethernet network connections to the DS4000 controllers are restored resulting in normal management Ethernet connection to the storage subsystem (CMVC 355652). - October 25, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.19.A5.06 - Support for attachment of DS4000 EXP810 Storage Expansion to the DS4500 storage subsystems and DS4300 Standard Dual Controller or Turbo model storage subsystems with controller firmware 06.19.xx.xx installed. - Fix C328075 104999/107459 - Failed drive is hot-spared to a smaller capacity drive. Starting with controller firmware 6.1x.xx.xx and later releases, the hot-spare drive selection logic uses the configured capacity of the logical drives that are created in the RAID array that had the failed drive instead of the capacity of the failed drive itself. This will result in cases that a smaller capacity hot-spare drive is hot-sparing for a failed drive in a RAID array that was defined using higher capacity drives. For example, if the configured capacity of all defined logical drives is less than 73GB in a RAID array that is made up with 146GB drives, a 73GB drive can spare for a failed drive in that array. Update was made to the online help reflecting with the new behavior. - Fix C326241 105926 - Storage Manager client(SMClient) program version 9.16.xx.xx incorrectly dropped SMTP connection. When attempting to configure alerts to be sent out via email, an "Incorrect return code from SMTP command" error is returned for the validating an email address task. The problem is after opening the SMTP session, the SMClient program sent out commands to the SMTP server right away without waiting for the SMTP server to response back with the 220 "Service Ready"message. The SMClient code was modified to check for 220 "Service Ready"message before sending commands to the SMTP server. - Fix C343686 110682 - The format of the email alerts sent by Storage Manager version has been changed to include the words "Storage Subsystem" in between the Node ID tag and the subsystem hostname and as a result email alerts are no longer processed and service is not receiving the calls. The fix is to remove the words "Storage Subsystem" between the Node ID tag and the subsystem hostname. - Fix C319208 102690 - If the server Regional Language setting was not 'English', the saved performance monitor data was delineated by "." instead of "," when it was collected using the Storage Manager SMCli command running in the server console(command Prompt) window. The problem did not exist if the server Regional Language setting was set to be 'English' or if the SMcli command is run in the Script Editor window of the Storage Manager Client program. - Fix C335808 - the current wording about the enclosure ID settings in the Helpful Hints section of the Storage Manager host software readme file did not state the reccomendation on how to set the enclosure IDs for DS4000 products with the electronic enclosure ID switch instead of the mechanical enclosure ID switch. - July 28, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.62 This is the re-released of the Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.62 to provide support for: - New DS4200 Express Storage Subsystem models 7VA/H, which support the attachment of DS4000 EXP420 Storage Expansion Enclosures. - New 500G SATA Enhanced Disk Drive Modules (E-DDMs) in the DS4000 DS4700 storage subsystems and the EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosures. - New 500G SATA Enhanced Value Disk Drive Modules (EV-DDMs) in the DS4000 DS4200 storage subsystem and the EXP420 Storage Expansion Enclosures. - July 17, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.62 - Support for the DS4800 storage subsystem controller firmware version or later. - May 24, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.44 - Support new DS4700 Storage Subsystem models 70A/H and 72A/H, which support the attachment of DS4000 EXP710 and EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosures. - Support new DS4800 Storage Subsystem Model 80A/H, which provides the same functionality as the DS4500 Storage Subsystem, with better performance. - Support new 4Gbps Fibre Channel drives in the DS4000 EXP810 Storage Expansion Enclosure. - Support new DS4000 FC 4Gbps single and dual port Fibre Channel Host bus adapter. - March 26, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.09 - To correct the ambiguous warning statement in the pop-up window, that was displayed as part of the storage manager host software installer wizard. The existing warning statement might cause the customer to incorrectly interpret that he could not upgrade the controller firmware of the DS4000 controllers in a configuration with EXP100 enclosures after he installed the new storage manager host software. This change is for the storage manager SMIA installer package only. All of the storage manager host software components will have the same version as the ones that were released on 2/13/2006. - February 13, 2006 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.16.A5.08 - Support for attachment of DS4000 EXP810 Storage Expansion to the DS4800 storage subsystems with controller firmware 06.16.xx.xx installed. - Supports automatic ESM firmware synchronization with the new EXP810 storage expansion enclosure. When you install a new ESM into an existing EXP810 that is attached to a DS4000 storage subsystem that supports automatic ESM firmware synchronization, this feature resolves firmware mismatch conditions by automatically synchronizing the firmware in the new ESM with the firmware in the existing ESM. Support for automatic EXP810 enclosure ID conflict resolution. - December 1, 2005 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.15.xx.x6 - Support the DS4100, DS4300, DS4400, DS4500 and DS4800 controller firmware versions that provide support for the new 400G SATA drive options and CRUs (P/Ns 39M4570 and 39M4575, respectively) in addition to the new 250G SATA drive CRUs (P/N 40K6837.) This new 250G SATA drive CRU is functionally equivalent to the previously-released CRUs (P/N 90P1349). Note: The drive enclosure EXP100 ESM must also be updated to version 9563 or later. - Support controller firmware version 06.12.16.xx or higher on the DS4100 storage subsystem with Single Controller option - The DS4100 storage subsystem with standard option is now supported the DS4000 Copy Services Remote Mirroring and VolumeCopy premium features. - Fix defect C291078 (90136/89954) - when managing DS4000 controllers with firmware version 06.10.xx.xx or 06.12.xx.xx installed, highlighting the selected drive firmware update package will result in no drives being listed as compatible in the select drives for firmware updating window. - Fix defect C290432 (91773) SM9_R3 MIB Naming violation causing compilation failure - Fix defect 87085 (~86641) Unable to see free capacity node of a migrated logical drive/array - Fix 87313 (~87099) RVM Repository Volume Cache States are missing from Array - Add 87941 (~85376) Support Diagnostic Data Capture (DDC) functions in the DS4000 controller firmware - Fix defect 88007 (~87397) (C273843) RVM logical drive status is inconsistent. The storage subsystem profile and RVM logical drive properties status can indicate "Not Available" when GUI fly-over status indicates optimal, mirror synchronized. Some RVM volumes update the status correctly over time while others don't appear to change from the "Not Available" state. - Fix defect 89457 Create FlashCopy wizard Subsystem Management online help incorrect in some circumstances - Fix defect 93883 Not Printing out Stack Trace in Diagnostic Data Capture - August 30, 2005 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.15.xx.02 - Re-release of the DS4000 storage manager host software version 9.15 for Linux operating system for the support of the AMD64 and EM64T servers running x86_64 versions of Linux SuSe SLES9-SP1 and RedHat RHEL4-u1 and RHEL3-u4 operating systems. In addition, the new model of the DS4800 storage subsystem with 8G of cache per controller is also supported (model 88A/H.) - Support for Linux RDAC capability with SLES 9 SP1 and Redhat 4 Update 1 (2.6 kernel) operating systems using the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager RDAC device driver version 9.01.B5.07. - June 28, 2005 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.15.xx.02 - Support the DS4800 storage subsystems with controller firmware version 06.15.11.xx. With this version of firmware, the DS4800 controllers utilize all of the available data cache memory installed in each controller blade for I/O caching. Previously with controller firmware version 06.15.xx.xx, the DS4800 controllers used only the first 1G bytes of the installed data cache memory per controller for I/O caching. - Support for servers with Redhat 4 update 1 operating system installed. - Support for Linux RDAC capability with SLES 9 SP1 and Redhat 4 Update 1 (2.6 kernel) operating systems using the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager RDAC device driver version 9.01.B5.04. - May 17, 2005 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.14.xx.05 - Support the DS4800 storage subsystem with controller firmware version 06.14.xx.xx - Support the Enhanced Remote Mirroring feature option on the DS4100 storage subsystem with standard/base option and controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx - Support the FC/SATA intermix feature option on the DS4300 storage subsystem with standard/base option and controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx - Installation wizard package that enables a GUI interface used for installing the IBM DS4000 Storage Manager host software packages - March 18, 2005 - Storage Manager Installer package version 09.12.xx.08 - Support the DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx - Support the controller firmware version 06.12.xx.xx installed in the DS4100 storage subsystems with standard option - Support FC/SATA intermix premium feature activation via premium key file - Added wizard and task assistants in the Storage Manager Client to guide users through common DS4000 storage subsystem management tasks. - Fix defect 268261 - Cannot create Arrays with < 6 drives when using full capacity with Storage Manager 9.10.G5.05 - Fix defect 261426 - Email alert notification mail does not conform to RFC 821 and 822 rules. Placement with a semi-colon at the end of email recipient address causes SMTP mail servers to reject the email as spam. - January 17, 2005 - Storage Manager version 09.10.xx.05 dated 01/17/2005 (for DS4300 base option support) - Support the controller firmware version 06.10.xx.xx or higher for the DS4300 storage subsystems with standard option. Support for the attachment of EXP710 drive enclosures to the DS4300 storage subsystems with standard option - November 24, 2004 - Storage Manager version 09.10.xx.05 - Support for the DS4000 FC/SATA storage expansion enclosure intermix option - Enhance the DS4000 Enhance Remote Mirroring Global Copy and Global mirroring functions - Support for the attachment of EXP100 SATA storage expansion enclosures to the DS4400 storage subsystem - Support the DS4100 storage subsystem with Single Controller option - Support for the increase in the maximum number of EXP100 drive expansion enclosures that can be connected to a DS4100 storage subsystem. The maximum EXP100 drive enclosure that can be connected to DS4100 is now 7 instead of 4 - 254966 ( 81363) DS4000 controllers do not agree on configurations - 256414 ( 81441) Cannot create new LUN using FSM 9.1 / FW 6.1 - 259611 ( 82674) Cannot install SM 9.10 because of a defect in Storage Manager host software uninstall - 261681 download allenclosures firmware cmd not working correctly. - hlpct_53466 ( 80833) tcp port scan causes controllers to reboot - change MIB file name to SM9_10.MIB - August 31, 2004 - Storage Manager version 9.10.xx.02 - Enhance Remote Mirroring support. Besides Metro Mirroring, IBM DS4000 Storage Manager version 9 also supports Global Copy and Global Mirroring Remote Mirror options. - Parallel hard drive firmware download. - Staged controller firmware download. - Full command-line SMcli support. - Improve DS4000 storage manager client Subsystem Management GUI - Adding additional diagnostic features - Drive Channel status, hard drive sector failure list. - June 18, 2004 - Storage Manager version 08.42.G5.00 - Support new DS4000 DS4100 storage subsystem. - May 20, 2004 - Storage Manager version 08.41.G5.05 - Support new controller firmware in DS4300 and DS4500 and EXP100 ESM firmware to enable EXP100 full High-availability support. - Support DS4000 Copy Services FlashCopy and VolumeCopy for DS4000 storage subsystems that are connected to EXP100 enclosure. Note: The DS4000 storage subsystem controller firmware version must be 05.41.5x.xx or higher. The EXP100 ESM firmware version must be 955x or higher. - April 5, 2004 - Storage Manager version 08.41.G5.04 - Support controller firmware version 05.34.xx.xx for the DS4300 storage subsystem. With this firmware version, the standard DS4300 models support the following features: - 1Gb support for fabric switch ports and host bus adapters (HBAs) - FlashCopy premium feature - December 20, 2003 - Storage Manager version 08.41.G5.01 - Initial release to support EXP100 connecting to DS4300 and DS4500 storage subsystem.